What Is Employee Enablement? Make sure you have your strategy in place

Employee enablement helps to create an environment where employees are empowered and motivated to do their best.Organizations need to have an employee enablement strategy in place. It helps increase employee engagement, job satisfaction, and productivity.


According to NTT’s Intelligent Workplace Report, 86.6% of organizations plan to design a future workplace around employee enablement.

Employees now see companies as service providers that they can leverage and grow their skills. A company that doesn’t offer adequate development opportunities will see its employee retention rates begin to fall.

Luckily, it doesn’t have to be this way.

Keep reading to learn how to improve your company’s employee retention and effectiveness by measuring and improving employee enablement.

What Is Employee Enablement?

Employee enablement helps to create an environment where employees are empowered and motivated to do their best.

Organizations need to have an employee enablement strategy in place. It helps increase employee engagement, job satisfaction, and productivity.

Employee Enablement vs. Employee Engagement

Employee enablement can be seen as the next evolution of employee engagement practices.

Employees who are engaged understand the role they play in your company and feel proud of their own, as well. Employee engagement ensures your team is as committed to your company’s future as you are. You and your employees will celebrate each other’s achievements.

How does employee enablement differ?

Enablement improves the employee experience through access to continuous learning and opportunities for professional growth.

Employee engagement is a noble goal, but you must ensure to give them what they need to succeed. Otherwise, your company may struggle with frustrated employees who don’t know how to do the job. This can lead to poor results and a lower quality of work.

What Does Talent Enablement Do?

Essentially, you can’t achieve optimal engagement without employee enablement. By giving your employees the tools, human resources, and training material they need, you can:

  • Increase productivity and motivation
  • Boost revenue
  • Provide better customer service

Increase Employee Performance

When employees can fully utilize their skills, their performance quality improves.

Gallup reports that increasing employee engagement can result in a 17% increase in productivity. This number can only increase when you add enablement to the formula.

Employees are more productive when they have more autonomy. When you let your team members make decisions regarding how they do their work, they’ll always be able to work at their highest level.

Improve Business Performance

If your employees work at their optimal capacity, you may also see a boost in your company’s overall productivity and financial success.

The previously mentioned poll also found that enabled and engaged teams are at least 21% more profitable.

Continual improvement is the foundation of employee enablement. If your organization is committed to enablement, you’ll keep looking for ways to boost your employees’ efforts. This practice can only lead to improvement for your business.

At the same time, you’ll be improving your clients’ bottom lines. When your team is better equipped and more confident, they can effectively target your services to clients’ needs. This will lead to better conversion rates.

How Can I Improve Employee Enablement?

Improving talent enablement looks different for every organization. Regardless, the first step is to identify your company goals.

Identify Your Goals

Next, combine data from engagement surveys, 1:1s, and performance evaluations. This practice will give you a clear picture of how employee enablement improves your team and business.

When setting goals, think in both qualitative and quantitative terms. You’ll measure key performance indicators (KPIs) related to productivity, engagement, job satisfaction, employee success, and more.

To answer this question, you’ll want to think in quantitative and qualitative terms. Quantitatively, look at KPIs relating to engagement, productivity, and job satisfaction. You will also pay close attention to areas where improved employee engagement will most impact your employees.

You can begin to identify your goals by asking your employees:

  • Do you have access to the necessary tools and resources to do your job well?
  • Do you have the technology to perform to the best of your ability?
  • In your opinion, are the workflows and processes in your workplace effective?
  • Do you have the necessary access to information to succeed in your position?
  • Are you given the freedom to make your own choices and decisions to excel at work?
  • Do you feel that your skills are being underused in your current position?
  • Do you take part in decisions that affect your daily routine at work?
  • Are you getting the learning, training, and development that you need?

Encourage Ongoing Communication and Collaboration

Your employees should operate as a team and not in silos. As a leader at your organization, you know the importance of team collaboration and communication. And you know that knowledge sharing requires the right tools and workflows.

Looking at the bigger picture, your priority should be to ensure team members communicate and work together. This will allow them to optimize their collaboration skills and continually come up with new ideas.

To create these connections, assign employees tasks requiring them to work together with other team members.

Provide Access to Organizational Knowledge

The process of creating, accessing, storing, and improving organizational knowledge assets is called knowledge management. This process is critical in employee enablement practices.

It’s essential to give your employees the autonomy to make decisions, overcome obstacles, and solve problems independently. To enable your team, they must be able to find the guidance and information they need.

To ensure everybody gets the help they need, it’s important to have an accessible, navigable and comprehensive knowledge base.

The ultimate goal is to create an all-encompassing database. This combined knowledge will give your team access to everything they need in one place. You should organize and present this information in a structured, logical, and user-friendly manner. This will further enable your team members.

How Do You Measure Employee Enablement?

For effective employee enablement, you must strive for continuous improvement. As your employees become more knowledgable and skilled, you’ll need to prepare them for further development.

Plus, the technology industry continually involves. This means there will always be extra learning opportunities for your team.

The information you gather from employee surveys will give you a doos idea of where to focus your energy in the future. As you progress, revisit your larger goals to prioritize your enablement initiatives. Then, you can make changes to enable your employees to become even more significant assets to your team.

How Do You Improve Performance Enablement?

Enabling employees is about continuously striving to improve your employees’ skills. You should always organize on-the-job training workshops as necessary. Make sure these initiatives correspond to different learning preferences and styles.

Your training efforts should focus on benefiting your employees’ long-term performance and completing current tasks.

Provide Access to Learning Resources

You should also ensure your team members have ready access to resources to learn independently. You can achieve this through digitizing content and making it available through various devices.

Try to make content readily available in a desktop-, mobile, and tablet-friendly format. Then, your employees can work on improving their skillsets whenever they want.

Provide Access to Technology

A lot of team success depends on how easily employees can automate and speed up certain tasks with technology. It is vital to have the correct tech tools at your team’s disposal in order to be successful.

But you must also provide training for the technology to make sure your employees know how to use new tools.

Encourage Employee Contribution

We’ve discussed how giving more autonomy is a way of enabling employees. It’s also a way of empowering them to make decisions that positively affect their performance.

Your employee enablement success will also depend on how well you’re able to reward staff for their contributions. Consider offering compensation that is proportionate to the significance of their efforts.

What Is Enablement at Salesforce?

Salesforce is a robust platform that’s designed to accommodate the needs of a variety of organizations. Learning how to get the most out of it takes some time. However, once you do, your business and employees have plenty of benefits.

You could be looking at a high turnover if your team is left without training and support during the onboarding process. If you’re using Salesforce, you can use a software enablement platform to power employee onboarding and training within your organization.

With a platform focused on enablement, you can build a culture of learning at your company.

All too often, employees can’t finish a task just because they forgot how to do something on a platform. With Guidde, your employee can quickly send a video outlining their problem to your team’s expert for clarification.

Learning resources are available throughout your employees’ day. This can include video playbooks that they can reference when they need them.

Need a Customizable Employee Enablement Solution?

Employee enablement is crucial to driving the growth of your company.

These initiatives can improve employee productivity and increase their satisfaction. Empowering your team with the right learning resources will give them more ownership over their tasks. This ultimately allows them to be more autonomous.

W‍hen you’re ready to get your team and customers back in the know, get started with Guidde.